Direct Drive is the only way to produce excellent results reliably. MakerGear printers can run direct drive extruders because of their renowned build quality.
Precision machined cast aluminum tooling plate and our "built like a tank" frames provide the foundation for excellent printing.
Precise motion, easy maintenance. There's a reason why all well built machines use linear rails. Discover the advantages without the excessive price tag.
With a decade of experience and innovation, the V4 hot end provides the versatility to run the material of your choice.
MakerGear printers feature beds that maintain their level and touch probes that assist users in leveling and guarantee level before each print.
Print multi-material objects or with soluble supports with unrivaled performance. Users can also double throughput with Mimeo Mode.
Using Simplify 3D for file preparation and Octoprint for machine control (including remote monitoring) delivers dependable results.
We're redefining "ease of use" to include the flexibility to choose filament and user-maintainability.