At MakerGear, we're fond of 3D Hubs.
In case you didn't know, they're the world’s largest online marketplace for 3D printing services, making 3D printing accessible to over 1 billion people while also fostering an entrepreneurial spirit from within the global maker community. They also happen to be the world's premier independent, non-paid 3D printer review site — i.e. no "pay to play" influencing, just straight-forward reviews. With a network of nearly 7,500 3D printing hubs in over 160 countries, this year they collected detailed reviews from 8,624 3D printer owners who reported on 513 different 3D Printers.
We would like to thank 3D Hubs for staying true to prospective 3D Printer owners, and we would like to congratulate 3D Hubs and its community for all the great work they do day-in, day-out.